Connection types can be overwhelming. There are several different types of connections and in some cases they can be very similar to one another. In this blog, we are going to explore the different connection types you may come across and highlight the difference between each one.
So before you pull your hair out due to frustration and confusion, dive in with us. We will make it simple for you, saving you and your hair.
Connection types can be found with multiple combinations of connections sometimes making it difficult to tell which end is which. We have included pictures for a visual aide to ensure you can tell the difference between the various connection types.
We are covering the below connection types:
Threads are a key component of most fittings. You have probably ran into threads a couple of times but they may not have been referred to as threading. National Pipe Thread (NPT) refers to the measuring of tapered threads on threaded pipes and fittings.
Threads are broken into two categories: Male and Female. Male threads are
Now, you may have seen another term, Iron Pipe Size (IPS) represented as Male Iron Pipe (MIP) and Female Iron Pipe (FIP). Fun fact, it means the same thing as MPT and FPT. Once you know they are virtually the same, it makes it much easier when looking for the connections you need.
The barbed connection on fittings does not always look the same between every part you will see. Barbs can be large or small or more spaced out depending on the fitting and what it is made to be used for.
Mini Barb, sometimes referred to as Poly-barb, connect to polyethylene tubing and have excellent vibration resistance. They come in smaller sizes than regular barbed fittings.
Combination nipples are used to transition from hose to pipe or valves. Hose menders are used to connect two lengths of hose together or repair a section of hose that has been damaged. Combination nipples and hose menders are good to be used with thermoplastic and natural rubber straight end hoses. The barbs on these fittings are specially designed for those applications.
Spigot is to be inserted into a slip /socket connection typically using glue to secure the connection. Spigot is considered the "male" connection of PVC fittings. The end of the spigot has the same outside diameter as pipe.
As you can see in the picture, slip / socket is the top connection and spigot is the bottom connection.
Push-fit connections can be found on fittings and ball valves. They are mainly used to connect Copper Tube Size (CTS) CPVC or PEX. CTS is a much smaller tube size than NPT which means NPT pipe can’t be used in a Push-fit connection. The connection is made by simply pushing the tube over the tube support into the connection. A special disconnect tool can be used to disconnect the tubing and fitting allowing it to be reused.
Plastic Quick Connect fittings are very similar to the Push-fit fittings. Similar, but not the same. Tubing gets pushed into the fittings socket until the end of the tube hits the tube stop and then the connection is tight and secure.
Garden Hose Thread (GHT) comes male (MGHT) and female (FGHT). It's important to note that GHT is different from NPT. Garden hose connections are not compatible with NPT even though both are threaded. Where a water hose fitting is required, this would be the connection to look for. You can see in the picture that the top connection is MPT and the bottom connection is MGHT.
In the past this was a very common connection, but is not as popular anymore. Due to the risks that go with the soldering process. Copper pipe is inserted into the fitting and solder fills the gap between the fitting and the pipe.
Similar to the crimp connection, cold expansion uses a specific "ring" to tighten the connection, only it is generally referred to as the sleeve. The connection is made by placing the sleeve on the pex tubing, expanding the sleeve, then inserting the fitting. Giving the sleeve and tubing time to shrink back to it's original size creates a very secure connection.
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